Sunday, March 7, 2010

Well I so wanted for my granddaughter to make a blog but she is such a busy girl and I decided that this grandmama might as well keep it real for her and all my grandkids.

I am one of those grandmothers that says you should have had those grandkids first, they are the greatest gift from God and I am so honored to be their little grandmother.

I have to say that I am so sick and tired when someone finds out I am a grandma (WOW, how young you are, your too young to be a grandma) okay I started early and my daughter did also and PTL that my granddaughter broke that curse. She is 21 now and she is a college student with so much on her plate, so much more than any young girl her age shoould have to bare.

As a grandparent we have to be that voice, I especially am the voice of my grandchildren. The voice that their parents listen too when they only hear their child, my grandchildren talk to me and I listen and they bare their sole to me. I have 10 grandchildren from birth to 21 years and no matter what people say those children have alot to say and make more sense than any adult.

Last night it was family night and we went to Shakeys Pizza Parlor and had a blast, my grandson Eric shared with me how much he liked visiting his Tia (aunt) Nicole. Now listen Nicole lives in the S.Colton projects in a 2 bedroom place with 6 kids and her companion BUT Eric could not care less to him it is a mansion. I was asking him what brought him home and he said he wanted to live there and I asked why? he said that there he is treated like a king nobody tells him what to do and nobody treats him like a slave (hum I wondered what that meant). Now this kid is only 7 in the second grade and an itty bitty thing, I told him that I was glad he was there at our family gathering and he too was so happy to be with me.

PARENTS please remember that our children are loaned to us by God, we are to teach them the way to go as not to depart (what does this mean) they are not OURS they belong to God and action speaks louder than words. Love them and show them how to love and how to be loved, hug them, give them praise, kisses are the best no matter what age :-)

Just be lovable parents.........just be lovable.